30167 Hannover

Professional background
02/2020 – dato
Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin am Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik (ISAH)
08/2017 – 07/2019
Volontariat Brinkmann.Meyhöfer Verlag
Redaktion Biologie und Chemie
11/2014 – 10/2016
Post-Doc – Research group Prof. Dr. med. U. Raap, Clinic of dermatology, allergology and venerology at the MHH
11/2013 – 10/2014
Post-Doc in the research group Prof. Dr. E. Champion at the university of Limoges (France) European centre of ceramic
05/2011 – 09/2013
Post-Doc in the research group Dr. M. Bock (Hepatic Cell Therapy), Dept. of gastroenterology, hepatology and endocrinology at the MHH
03/2005 – 04/2011
Scientific researcher in the research group PD Dr. med. M. Ott (Zell- und Gentherapie), Dept. of gastroenterology, hepatology and endocrinology at the MHH / Twincore
Dissertation: “Vergleichende Untersuchung zur relativen Genexpression in der Embryonalphase der murinen Leber und im postnatalen Regenerationsmodell der partiellen Hepatektomie”
10/1999 – 06/2004
Study of biology at theTechnische Universität Carola Wilhelmina, Braunschweig
Diploma at the institute of genetic (Title: „Charakterisierung von Srp2p – ein SR-Protein in Schizosaccaromyces pombe“)
Areas of activity:
- Project- and researchwork in the project Mabiku
- Project- and researchwork in the project Screening in Cooperation with the Ostfalia
- Supervision of student works and theses