

  • KompaGG-N - Complete Treatment of Manure and Digestate: Process Developement in Consideration of Regional Substance Flow Concepts for Nutrients and Pollutants
    The goal of KompaGG-N is the development of a robust and economically viable process chain for a complete treatment of manure and digestate. The regional and case specific nutrient flows (mainly nitrogen) play an important role in this regard, for the process chain is to be locally embedded. Additionally the influence of treatment on the remain of pollutants such as genes and bacteria resistant to antibiotics is investigated.
    Led by: Dr.-Ing. Maike Beier
    Team: Johannes Reiter, M. Sc.
    Year: 2023
    Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen des Förderprogramms "KMU-Innovativ"
    Duration: 09/2019 - 02/2023

N- and P-Elimination and -Recovery

  • KompaGG-N - Complete Treatment of Manure and Digestate: Process Developement in Consideration of Regional Substance Flow Concepts for Nutrients and Pollutants
    The goal of KompaGG-N is the development of a robust and economically viable process chain for a complete treatment of manure and digestate. The regional and case specific nutrient flows (mainly nitrogen) play an important role in this regard, for the process chain is to be locally embedded. Additionally the influence of treatment on the remain of pollutants such as genes and bacteria resistant to antibiotics is investigated.
    Led by: Dr.-Ing. Maike Beier
    Team: Johannes Reiter, M. Sc.
    Year: 2023
    Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen des Förderprogramms "KMU-Innovativ"
    Duration: 09/2019 - 02/2023
  • SATELLITE - Process Technologies in Main and Satellite Operations of an Intermunicipal Recycling Center for an Optimized Regional Nutrient Recycling
    Led by: Dr.-Ing. Maike Beier
    Team: Arne Freyschmidt, Johannes Reiter, Kai Schumüller, Kasra Saadlou, Torben Martens
    Year: 2025
    Funding: BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research
    Duration: 07/2020 - 06/2025


  • KompaGG-N - Complete Treatment of Manure and Digestate: Process Developement in Consideration of Regional Substance Flow Concepts for Nutrients and Pollutants
    The goal of KompaGG-N is the development of a robust and economically viable process chain for a complete treatment of manure and digestate. The regional and case specific nutrient flows (mainly nitrogen) play an important role in this regard, for the process chain is to be locally embedded. Additionally the influence of treatment on the remain of pollutants such as genes and bacteria resistant to antibiotics is investigated.
    Led by: Dr.-Ing. Maike Beier
    Team: Johannes Reiter, M. Sc.
    Year: 2023
    Funding: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) im Rahmen des Förderprogramms "KMU-Innovativ"
    Duration: 09/2019 - 02/2023
  • SATELLITE - Process Technologies in Main and Satellite Operations of an Intermunicipal Recycling Center for an Optimized Regional Nutrient Recycling
    Led by: Dr.-Ing. Maike Beier
    Team: Arne Freyschmidt, Johannes Reiter, Kai Schumüller, Kasra Saadlou, Torben Martens
    Year: 2025
    Funding: BMBF - Federal Ministry of Education and Research
    Duration: 07/2020 - 06/2025