30167 Hannover

Professional background
10/2020 - present
Doctoral student at the Institute of Sanitary Engineering and Waste Management (ISAH)
09/2019 - 08/2020
Research assistant - Department of Water Resources, CENRes, Can Tho University
03/2018 - 08/2019
Research assistant - IRRI VnSAT Project
11/2017 - 02/2018
Junior project manager - Kleffmann Group GmbH
10/2014 - 09/2016
Master’s degree in Water Resources and Environmental Management - Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz University Hannover
05/2013 - 04/2014
Project assistant - “Integrated wastewater concept for industrial zones” (www.akiz.de) - IWRM Program
2011 - 2013
Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering - Can Tho University
2007 - 2011
Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Engineering - Can Tho University
Areas of activity:
- Supervision of student works and theses
- Project and research work in the field of landfill leachate treatment