Goal of the module:
The course imparts advanced knowledge on how to manage and treat “waste” with regard to sustainability and circular economy. At the beginning, definition of waste, general conditions as well as specific waste amounts will be briefly introduced. Solid Waste Management (SWM) steps such as collection, transportation, sorting, treatment, recycling and disposal is the next focus of this course. Moreover, the concepts and techniques for mechanical and biological treatment (composting, digestion, stabilization), their combination (MBT, MBSt) and techniques for thermal treatment (wte, combustion, gasification, etc.) are presented. The next main thema of this course is the concepts and techniques for avoiding, up- or re-cycling, re-use and disposal of the waste treatment output according to EU‘s waste hierarchy. Process descriptions, design data and conditions as well as output qualities are disccssed according to legal criteria for disposal, emission or environmental protection. Furthermore, principles and requirements of landfill construction, their control and emissions as well as the handling of abandoned polluted areas are briefly introduced. The lecture focuses on contemporary practical examples, and the theoritical knowledge will be consolidated in tutorials in form of calculation examples. After successful completion of this module, students are capable of: - elucidating SWM techniques and recycling processes, - developing treatment concepts for different kinds of waste and recycling materials, - estimating treatment options for polluted areas, - designing an organic waste treatment plant (composting, anaerobic digestion), - conceptualizing a landfill considering leachate and gas production, - discussing SWM issues within the legal framework of climate change and environment protection.
Course of study | Environmental engineering |
Semester | Summer |
Contact persons:

30167 Hannover

30167 Hannover