PYRASOL - Smart Cities integrated energy supply, carbon sequestration and urban organic waste treatment through combined solar sludge drying and pyrolysis

Led by: | PD Dr.-Ing. habil. Dirk Weichgrebe |
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Team: | Moni Mohan Mondal, M.Sc., Rahul Ramesh Nair, M. Eng |
Year: | 2022 |
Funding: | BMBF, IGSTC Indo German Science & Technology Center |
Duration: | 04/2018 - 6/2022 |
The PYRASOL project is dedicated to the problem of waste management in the Indian city of Chennai. At present, organic waste such as plant residues or sewage sludge is disposed of on landfills, but the capacity limits have already been reached. This not only creates serious health risks for people, but also places a considerable burden on the environment. The PYRASOL project aims to develop a concept that reduces environmental impacts and CO2 emissions by leveraging synergy effects. In addition, waste is to be converted into marketable products such as biochar and renewable energy is provided.
In concrete terms, in the process, fibrous organic waste together with other municipal waste such as dried sewage sludge should first be prepared by an innovative solar drying system using the natural chimney effect. This is followed by a highly efficient pyrolysis process.
To this end, optimal operating parameters of the solar dryer, optimal mixing ratios and the various drying properties of the substrates must be identified and the pyrolysis process further developed using innovative condensing technology. Further research objectives are the successful operation of the integrated waste treatment system and a comprehensive assessment of the value chain, starting with urban organic waste generation up to the use of the generated energy.
Together with Indian research and industry partners, the project is to be implemented in the "Smart City" Chennai in India on the premises of the research partner Chennai Leather Research Institute (CLRI). Through the combined waste treatment approach, the project is a model for other fast growing urban cities in emerging and developing countries with similar waste streams. This project is a cooperation project of 2 German and 2 Indian partner from Research and Industry, comprising the following partners:
- BioMaCon GmbH, Rehburg-Loccum
- ISAH, Leibniz Universität Hannover
- Central Leather Research Institute (CLRI), Chennai
- Ramky Enviro Engineers Pvt Ltd., Hyderabad