
Artikel in Fachzeitschriften

  • Carpio-Vallejo, E.,Düker, U.,Waldowski, J.,Nogueira, R. (2024): Contribution of rooftop rainwater harvesting to climate adaptation in the city of Hannover: Water quality and health issues of rainwater storage in cisterns and pondsInternational Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2024 Vol. 256
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2024.114320
  • Doerrie-Delgado, B. Nogueira, R. (2024): Lessons learned from a one-year study of Legionella spp. cultivation from activated sludge samples.Journal of Environmental Management 2024 Vol. 369
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.122266
  • P. Saha, A. K. Kniggendorf, A. Pommerening-Röser and R. Nogueira (2024): Assessment of oxygen kinetic parameters for closely related ammonia-oxidizing bacteriaLetters in applied microbiology 2024 Vol. 77 Issue 8
    DOI: 10.1093/lambio/ovae076
    ISSN: 02668254
  • Parida, D., Katare, K., Ganguly, A., Chakraborty, D., Konar, O., Nogueira, R. & Bala, K (2024): Molecular docking and metagenomics assisted mitigation of microplastic pollutionCHEMOSPHERE 2024 Vol. 351
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.141271
  • Parida, D., Sangtani, R., Nogueira, R. & Bala, K. (2024): Scrutinizing the chemical and morphological alterations of microfibers released from household washing machines under varying temperature conditionsClean - soil, air, water 2024
    DOI: 10.1002/clen.202300285
  • Yao, Y., Zhu, Y., Nogueira, R., Klawonn, F. & Wallner, M. (2024): Optimal Selection of Sampling Points within Sewer Networks for Wastewater-Based Epidemiology ApplicationsMethods and Protocols 2024 Vol. 7 Issue 1.
    DOI: 10.3390/mps7010006
  • Bhalerao, A., Dueker, U., Weber, M., Eich, A., Lott, C., Endres, H. J. & Nogueira, R. (2023): Bacterial diversity of biofilms on polyhydroxybutyrate exposed to marine conditionsEx-situ vs. in-situ tests 2023 Vol. 905
    DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2023.167458
  • Carpio Vallejo, E., Düker, U., Meyer, F., Berding, U. & Nogueira, R. (2023): Microbiological water quality and derived health risks from exposure to ornamental water fountains in the city of HannoverRisk Analysis 2023
    DOI: 10.1111/risa.14145
  • Sangtani, R., Nogueira, R., Yadav, A. K. & Kiran, B. (2023): Systematizing Microbial Bioplastic Production for Developing Sustainable BioeconomyMetabolic Nexus Modeling, Economic and Environmental Technologies Assessment 2023 Vol. 31 Issue 7 Pages 2741-2760
    DOI: 10.1007/s10924-023-02787-0
  • Samadhiya, K., Ghosh, A., Nogueira, R., Kiran, B. (2022): Newly isolated native microalgal strains producing polyhydroxybutyrate and energy storage precursors simultaneously: Targeting microalgal biorefineryAlgal Research Vol 62,. March 2022. Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1016/j.algal.2021.102625
    ISSN: 2211-9264
  • Samadhiya, K., Sangtani, R., Nogueira, R., Kiran, B. (2022): Insightful Advancement and Opportunities for Microbial Bioplastic ProductionFrontiers in Microbiology, 12/2021.
    DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.674864
    ISSN: 1664-302X
  • Tamang, P., Arndt, C., Bruns-Hellberg, J., Nogueira, R. (2021): Polyhydroxyalkanoates production from industrial wastewaters using a mixed culture enriched with Thauera sp.: Inhibitory effect of the wastewater matrix.Environmental Technology & Innovation 21:101328
    DOI: 10.1016/j.eti.2020.101328
  • Tamang, P., Nogueira, R. (2021): Valorisation of waste cooking oil using mixed culture into short- and medium-chain length polyhydroxyalkanoates: Effect of concentration, temperature and ammoniumJournal of Biotechnology Volume 342, 10 December 2021, Pages 92-101.
    ISSN: 10.1016/j.jbiotec.2021.10.006
  • Bhalerao, A., Banerjee, R., Nogueira, R. (2020): Continuous cultivation strategy for yeast industrial wastewater-based polyhydroxyalkanoate production.Journal of bioscience and bioengineering 129 (5), 595-602
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jbiosc.2019.11.006
  • Kniggendorf, A. K., Nogueira, R., Nasiri Bahmanabad, S., Pommerening-Röser, A., Roth, B. W. (2020): Small Sample Stress: Probing Oxygen-Deprived Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacteria with Raman Spectroscopy In Vivo.Microorganisms 8 (3), 432
    DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8030432
  • Rutere, Cyrus Knoop, Kirsten Posselt, Malte Ho, Adrian Horn, Marcus A. (2020): Ibuprofen Degradation and Associated Bacterial Communities in Hyporheic Zone SedimentsMicroorganisms 8 Vol 8. 1-25
    DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms8081245
    ISSN: 2076-2607
  • Tamang, P., Bhalerao, A., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R., Arndt, C. (2020): Ein integrierter Ansatz zur Biopolymerproduktion aus Abwasser.Wasser und Abfall 22, 19–22
    DOI: 10.1007/s35152-020-0228-3
  • Tamang, P., Banerjee, R., Köster, S., Nogueira, R. (2019): Comparative study of polyhydroxyalkanoates production from acidified and anaerobically treated brewery wastewater using enriched mixed microbial culture.J. Environment Science 78, 137–146
  • Caicedo, C., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R. (2018): Temperature-driven growth of Legionella in lab-scale activated sludge systems and interaction with protozoa.International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 221, 315–322
  • Nogueira, R., Bhalerao, A., Banerjee, R. (2018): Cost effective production of polyhydroxyalkanoates biopolymers using mixed microbial culture and industry waste water: An ecofriendly approach.J. Fundam Renewable Energy Appl. Vol. 1
  • Ohrdes, H., Ille, I., Twiefel, J., Wallaschek, J., Nogueira, R., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2018): A control system for ultrasound devices utilized for inactivating E. coli in wastewater.Ultrasonics - Sonochemistry 40, 158–162
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ultsonch.2017.04.017
  • Mesquita, M. C., Albuquerque, A., Amaral, L., Nogueira, R. (2017): Seasonal variation of nutrient removal in a full-scale horizontal constructed wetland.Energy Procedia 136, 225-232
  • Sujathan, S., Kniggendorf, A.-K., Kumar, A., Roth, B., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R. (2017): Heat and Bleach: A Cost-Efficient Method for Extracting Microplastics from Return Activated Sludge.Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 73 (4), 641-648
  • Caicedo, C., Beutel, S., Scheper, T., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R. (2016): Occurrence of Legionella in wastewater treatment plants linked to wastewater characteristics.Environmental Science Pollution Research International 23 (16), 16873-16954
    DOI: 10.1007/s11356-016-7090-6
    ISSN: 0944-1344
  • Kniggendorf, A. K., Nogueira, R., Kelb, C., Schadzek, P., Meinhardt-Wollweber, M., Ngezahayo, A., Roth, B. (2016): Confocal Raman microscopy and fluorescent in situ hybridization - A complementary approach for biofilm analysis.Chemosphere 161, 112-120
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2016.06.096
    ISSN: 0045-6535
  • Nogueira, R., Utrecht, K. U., Exner, M., Verstraete, W., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2016): Strategies for the reduction of Legionella in biological treatment systems.Water Science & Technology 74 (4), 816-239
    DOI: 10.2166/wst.2016.258
    ISSN: 0273-1223
  • Santos, A., Matos, M., Sousa, A., Costa, C., Nogueira, R., Teixeira, J., Paiva, P., Parpot, P., Coelho, L., Brito, A. (2016): Removal of tetracycline from contaminated water by Moringa oleifera seed preparations.Environmental Technology 37, 744-751
  • Santos, A. F. S., Matos, M., Sousa, Â., Costa, C., Nogueira, R., Teixeira, J. A., Paiva, P. M. G., Parpot, P., Coelho, L. C. B. B., Brito, A. G. (2015): Removal of tetracycline from contaminated water by Moringa oleifera seed preparations.Environmental Technology 37 (6), 744-751
    DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2015.1080309
  • Haun, E., Ulbricht, K., Nogueira, R., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2014): Virus elimination in activated sludge systems: from batch tests to mathematical modeling.Water Science & Technology 70 (6), 1115-21
    ISSN: 0273-1223
  • Martins, G., Peixoto, L., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2014): Phosphorus–iron interaction in sediments: can an electrode minimize phosphorus release from sediments?Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology
    ISSN: 1569-1705
  • Martins, G., Peixoto, L., Teodorescu, S., Parpot, P., Nogueira, R., Brito, A. G. (2014): Impact of an external electron acceptor on phosphorus mobility between water and sediments.Bioresource Technology 151, 419-423
  • Matos, M., Pereira, M. A., Parpot, P., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2014): Influence of tetracycline on the microbial community composition and activity of nitrifying biofilms.Chemosphere 117 (1), 295-302
    DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2014.06.094
    ISSN: 0045-6535
  • Moura, I., Nogueira, R., Bounor-Legare, V., Machado, A. V. (2014): Effect of PCL and EVA molar mass on the development of sustainable polymers.Soft Materials 12 (1), 88-97
    DOI: 10.1080/1539445X.2012.756818
    ISSN: 1539445X
  • Oliveira, M., Rodrigues, A. L., Ribeiro, D., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R., Machado, A. V. (2014): Phosphorus removal by a fixed-bed hybrid polymer nanocomposite biofilm reactor.Chemistry and Ecology 30 (5), 428-439
    ISSN: 0275-7540
  • Ribeiro, D. C., Martins, G., Nogueira, R., Brito, A. G. (2014): Mineral cycling and pH gradient related with biological activity under transient anoxic-oxic conditions: Effect on P mobility in volcanic lake sediments.Environmental Science and Technology 48 (16), 9205-9210
    DOI: 10.1021/es501037g
    ISSN: 0013-936X
  • Rodrigues, A. L., Machado, A. V., Nóbrega, J. M., Albuquerque, A., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2014): A poly-ε-caprolactone based biofilm carrier for nitrate removal from water.International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 11 (2), 263-268
    ISSN: 1735-1472
  • Ulbricht, K., Selinka, H. C., Wolter, S., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R. (2014): A mass balance approach to the fate of viruses in a municipal wastewater treatment plant during summer and winter seasons.Water Science and Technology 69 (2), 364 - 70
    DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.722
  • Martins, G., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R., Ureña, M., Fernández, D., Luque, F. J., Alcácer, C. (2013): Water resources management in southern Europe: Clues for a research and innovation based regional hypercluster.Journal of Environmental Management, 76-84
    DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2013.01.027
    ISSN: 0301-4797
  • Mesquita, M. C., Albuquerque, A., Amaral, L., Nogueira, R. (2013): Effect of vegetation on the performance of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands with lightweight expanded clay aggregates.International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 10(3), 433-442
  • Oliveira, M., Nogueira, R., MacHado, A. V. (2013): Hybrid nanocomposite preparation in a batch mixer and a twin-screw extruder.Advances in Polymer Technology 32, E732-E740
    DOI: 10.1002/adv.21316
    ISSN: 10982329
  • Peixoto, L., Rodrigues, A. L., Martins, G., Nicolau, A., Brito, A. G., Silva, M. M., Parpot, P., Nogueira, R. (2013): A flat microbial fuel cell for decentralized wastewater valorization: process performance and optimization potential.Environmental Technology (United Kingdom) 34, 1947-1956
  • Rodrigues, A., Nogueira, R., Melo, L. F., Brito, A. G. (2013): Effect of low concentrations of synthetic surfactants on polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) biodegradation.International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 83, 48-55
    DOI: 10.1016/j.ibiod.2013.04.001
    ISSN: 0964-8305
  • Schneider, Y., Beier, M., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2013): Nitrous oxide formation during nitritation and nitrification of high-strength wastewater.Water Science & Technology 67 (11), 2494-2502
    DOI: 10.2166/wst.2013.144
  • Martins, G., Henriques, I., Ribeiro, D. C., Correia, A., Bodelier, P. L. E., Cruz, J. V., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2012): Bacterial diversity and geochemical profiles in sediments from eutrophic Azorean lakes.Geomicrobiology Journal 29 (8), 704-715
    DOI: 10.1080/01490451.2011.619633
    ISSN: 0149-0451
  • Matos, M., Pereira, M. A., Nicolau, A., Rodrigues, A. L., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2012): Influence of the organic loading rate on the growth of Galactomyces geotrichum in activated sludge.Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 47(4), 565-569
    ISSN: 1093-4529
  • Matos, M., Pereira, M. A., Nicolau, A., Rodrigues, A. L., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2012): Influence of carrier concentration on the control of Galactomyces geotrichum bulking and bacterial community of biofilm reactors.Desalination and Water Treatment 41(1-3), 325-334
    DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2012.664723
    ISSN: 1944-3994
  • Moura, I., Nogueira, R., Bounor-Legare, V., MacHado, A. V. (2012): Synthesis of EVA-g-PLA copolymers using transesterification reactions.Materials Chemistry and Physics 134 (1), 103-110
    DOI: 10.1016/j.matchemphys.2012.02.036
  • Oliveira, M., Machado, A. V., Nogueira, R. (2012): Phosphorus removal from eutrophic waters with an aluminium hybrid nanocomposite.Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 223 (8), 4831-4840
    DOI: 10.1007/s11270-012-1239-9
    ISSN: 0049-6979
  • Oliveira, M., Nogueira, R., MacHado, A. V. (2012): Synthesis of aluminium nanoparticles in a PP matrix during melt processing: Effect of the alkoxide organic chain.Reactive and Functional Polymers 72 (10), 703-712
  • Rodrigues, A. L., Mosquera-Corral, A., Machado, A. V., Moura, I., Matos, M. I., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2012): Use of biopolymers as solid substrates for denitrification.Water Science and Technology 65 (1), 105-111
    ISSN: 0273-1223
  • Santos, A. F. S., Paiva, P. M. G., Teixeira, J. A. C., Brito, A. G., Coelho, L. C. B. B., Nogueira, R. (2012): Coagulant properties of Moringa oleifera protein preparations: Application to humic acid removal.Environmental Technology 33(1-3), 69-75
    DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2010.550323
    ISSN: 0959-3330
  • Tavares, M. I. B., Ferreira, A. G. (2012): The use of multinuclear solid-state NMR to evaluate polystyrene/silica composites.Journal of Nanoparticle Research 14 (8), 1026
  • Martins, G., Terada, A., Ribeiro, D. C., Corral, A. M., Brito, A. G., Smets, B. F., Nogueira, R. (2011): Structure and activity of lacustrine sediment bacteria involved in nutrient and iron cycles.FEMS microbiology ecology, 666-679
    DOI: 10.1111/j.1574-6941.2011.01145.x
    ISSN: 1574-6941
  • Matos, M., Alves, C., Campos, J., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2011): Sequencing batch biofilm reactor: from support design to reactor operation.Environmental Technology 32, 1121-1129
    ISSN: 0959-3330
  • Moura, I., Machado, A. V., Duarte, F. M., Nogueira, R. (2011): Biodegradability assessment of aliphatic polyesters-based blends using standard methods.Journal of Applied Polymer Science 119 (6), 3338-3346
  • Moura, I., Nogueira, R., Bounor-Legare, V., MacHado, A. V. (2011): Biobased grafted polyesters prepared by in situ ring-opening polymerization.Reactive and Functional Polymers, 694-703
    DOI: 10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2011.03.012
  • Oliveira, M., Ribeiro, D., Nobrega, J. M., MacHado, A. V., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2011): Removal of phosphorus from water using active barriers: Al 2O3 immobilized on to polyolefins.Environmental Technology, 989-995
    DOI: 10.1080/09593330.2010.522597
    ISSN: 0959-3330
  • Santos, A. F. S., Carneiro-da-Cunha, M. G., Teixeira, J. A., Paiva, P. M. G., Coelho, L. C. B. B., Nogueira, R. (2011): Interaction of Moringa oleifera seed lectin with humic acid.Chemical Papers, 406 - 411
    DOI: 10.2478/s11696-011-0025-2
    ISSN: 1336-9075
  • Martins, G., Peixoto, L., Ribeiro, D. C., Parpot, P., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2010): Towards implementation of a benthic microbial fuel cell in lake Furnas (Azores): Phylogenetic affiliation and electrochemical activity of sediment bacteria.Bioelectrochemistry, 67-71
    ISSN: 1567-5394
  • Rodrigues, A. L., Pereira, M. A., Janknecht, P., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2010): Biofilms formed on humic substances: response to flow conditions and carbon concentrations.Bioresource Technology 101, 6888-6894
    ISSN: 0960-8524
  • Gomes, R. B., Nogueira, R., Oliveira, J. M., Peixoto, J., Brito, A. G. (2009): Determination of total and available fractions of PAHs by SPME in oily wastewaters: overcoming interference from NAPL and NOM.Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 671-678
    ISSN: 0944-1344
  • Nogueira, R., Alves, C., Matos, M., Brito, A. G. (2009): Synthesis and degradation of poly-?-hydroxybutyrate in a sequencing batch biofilm reactor.Bioresource Technology 100, 2106-2110
    ISSN: 0960-8524
  • Nogueira, R., Brito, A. G., Machado, A. P., Janknecht, P., Salas, J. J., Vera, L., Martel, G. (2009): Economic and environmental assessment of small and decentralized wastewater treatment systems.Desalination and Water Treatment, 16-21
    ISSN: 1944-3994
  • Rodrigues, A., Brito, A., Janknecht, P., Proença, M. F., Nogueira, R. (2009): Quantification of humic acids in surface water: effects of divalent cations, pH, and filtration.Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 377-382
  • Vera, L., Martel, G., Salas, J. J., Sardón, N., Nogueira, R., Brito, A. G., Faby, J.-A., Ramón, A. (2009): Depuranat project: sustainable management of wastewater in rural areas.Desalination and Water Treatment, 59-68
    ISSN: 1944-3994
  • Vieira, M., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2009): Nitrogen removal in a Sequencing Batch Biofilm Reactor: effect of carbon availability and intermittent aeration.World Review of Science, Technology and Sustainable Development, 173-185
    ISSN: 1741-2242
  • Martins, G., Ribeiro, D. C., Pacheco, D., Cruz, J. V., Cunha, R., Gonçalves, V., Nogueira, R., Brito, A. G. (2008): Prospective scenarios for water quality and ecological status in Lake Sete Cidades (Portugal): the integration of mathematical modelling in decision processes.Applied Geochemistry, 2171-2181
    ISSN: 0883-2927
  • Ribeiro, D. C., Martins, G., Nogueira, R., Cruz, J. V., Brito, A. G. (2008): Phosphorus fractionation in volcanic lake sediments (Azores–Portugal).Chemosphere, 1256-1263
    ISSN: 0045-6535
  • Rodrigues, A. L., Brito, A. G., Janknecht, P., Inácio, J., Machado, A. V., Nogueira, R. (2008): Characterization of biofilm formation on a humic material.Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 11, 1269-1276
    ISSN: 1367-5435
  • Costa, S., Coutinho, L., Nogueira, R., Brito, A. G., Salas, J. J., Póvoa, C. (2007): Cost-effectiveness analysis for sustainable wastewater engineering: a case study at Minho-Lima’s rivers basins (Portugal).Desalination and Water Treatment Wastewater 4(2009), 22-27
  • Machado, A. P., Urbano, L., Brito, A. G., Janknecht, P., Salas, J. J., Nogueira, R. (2007): Life cycle assessment of wastewater treatment options for small and decentralized communities.Water Science & Technology 56 (3), 15-22
    DOI: 10.2166/wst.2007.497
  • Machado, A. V., Moura, I., Duarte, F. M., Botelho, G., Nogueira, R., Brito, A. G. (2007): Evaluation of properties and biodeterioration potential of polyethylene and aliphatic polyester blends.International Polymer Processing, 512-518
    ISSN: 0930-777X
  • Nogueira, R., Estevinho, I., Abrunhosa, L., Mendonça, C., Machado, P., Carballa, M., Brito, A. G., Venâncio, A. (2006): Assessing the degradation of ochratoxin A using a bioassay: the case of contaminated winery wastewater.Water Science and Technology 56 (2), S. 55-61
  • Nogueira, R., Ferreira, I., Janknecht, P., Rodríguez, J. J., Oliveira, P., Brito, A. G. (2006): Energy-saving wastewater treatment systems: formulation of cost functions.Water Sci Technol 56 (3), 85–92
    DOI: 10.2166/wst.2007.514
    ISSN: 9892003616
  • Nogueira, R., Melo, L. F. (2006): Competition between Nitrospira spp. and Nitrobacter spp. in nitrite-oxidizing bioreactors.Biotechnology and Bioengineering 95 (1), 169-175
    ISSN: 1097-0290
  • Gaul, T., Märker, S., Kunst, S. (2005): Start-up of moving bed biofilm reactors for deammonification: the role of hydraulic retention time, alkalinity and oxygen supply.Water Science and Technology 52 (7), 127- 133. IWA Publishing
  • Nogueira, R., Elenter, D., Brito, A., Melo, L. F., Wagner, M., Morgenroth, E. (2005): Evaluating heterotrophic growth in a nitrifying biofilm reactor using fluorescence in situ hybridization and mathematical modelling.Water Science and Technology 52, 135-141
    ISSN: 0273-1223
  • Weichgrebe, D., Danilova, E., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Baturova, M., Vedenjapin, A. A. Skundin, A., Selemenev, V. (2004): Electrochemical oxidation of drug residues in water by the example of tetracycline, Gentamicin and aspirin.Water Science Technology 49, (4) 201-206
  • Garcia Lopez, L. A., Veiga, M. C., Nogueira, R., Aparicio, A., Melo, L. F. (2003): A technique using a membrane flow cell to determine average mass transfer coefficients and tortuosity factors in biofilms.Water Science and Technology, 61-67
    ISSN: 0273-1223
  • Nogueira, R., Melo, L. F., Purkhold, U., Wuertz, S., Wagner, M. (2002): Microbial population dynamics versus nitrification performance in biofilm reactors: effects of hydraulic retention time and the presence of organic carbon.Water Research 36 (2), 469-481
  • Wagner, M., Loy, A., Nogueira, R., Purkhold, U., Lee, N., Daims, H. (2002): Microbial community composition and function in wastewater treatment plants.Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek, 665-680
    ISSN: 0003-6072
  • Filipov, E., Schwarze-Scharfenberg, B., Pakert, M., Kunst, S. (2001): Hormone im Schlamm.UmweltMagazin 3/4, 92-93
  • Helmer, C., Tromm, C., Hippen, A., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Seyfried, C. F., Kunst, S. (2001): Single Stage Biological Nitrogen Removal and Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidation in Biofilm Systems.Water Science & Technologie 43 (1), 311-321
  • Hippen, A., Helmer, C., Kunst, S., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Seyfried, C. F. (2001): Six years´ practical experience with aerobic/anoxic deammonification in biofilm systems.Water Science & Technologie 44 (2-3), 39-48
  • Helmer, C., Kunst, S., Juretschenko, S., Schmid, M. C., Schleifer, K.-H., Wagner, M. (1999): Nitrogen loss in a nitrifying biofilm system. Water Schience & Technology.Water Schience & Technology 39 (7), 13-21
  • Helmer, C., Hippen, A., Scholten, E., Kunst, S., Diekmann, H., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Seyfried, C. F. (1998): Neue Möglichkeiten der Stickstoffelimination bei Abwässern mit niedrigem C / N-Verhältnis: Aerobe Deammonifikation.Korrespondenz Abwasser (45) Nr. 12
  • Nogueira, R., Lazarova, V., Manem, J., Melo, L. F. (1998): Influence of dissolved oxygen on the nitrification kinetics in a circulating bed biofilm reactor.Bioprocess Engineering, 441-449
    ISSN: 0178-515X
  • Lazarova, V., Nogueira, R., Manem, J., Melo, L. F. (1997): Control of nitrification efficiency in a new biofilm reactor.Water Science and Technology

Bücher und Buchbeiträge

  • Sangtani, R., Sonbhadra, S., Nogueira, R., Kiran, B. (2022): Algal Biorefinery: A Paradigm to Sustainable Circular BioeconomyZero Waste Biorefinery, S. 295-323. Weitere Informationen
    DOI: 10.1007/978-981-16-8682-5_11
    ISBN: 978-981-16-8681-8
  • Förstner, U., Köster, S. (2018): Umweltschutztechnik.9. Aufl., Springer Verlag Heidelberg, Berlin. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
    ISBN: 978-3-662-55162-2
  • Beier, M., Schneider, Y. (2015): Verfahren der biologischen Stickstoffelimination unter Berücksichtigung der anaeroben Ammoniumoxidation.Verlag Springer Vieweg, Berlin. Anaerobtechnik 801-831
    DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-24895-5_10
  • Martins, G., Ribeiro, D. C., Terada, A., Smets, B. F., Brito, A. G., Nogueira, R. (2011): Phylogeny and activity of proteobacteria in sediments from lake furnas.Proteobacteria: Phylogeny, Metabolic Diversity and Ecological Effects, 1-36
    ISBN: 978-161761810-9
  • Beier, M. (2003): Kennzahlen und Gebührenermittlung in der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft aus Basis einer systematischen Kostengliederung.Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
    ISBN: 3921421535
  • Kunst, S., Kruse, T., Burmester, A. (eds.) (2001): Future Perspectives for Sustainable Water and Soil Management.Sustainable Water and Soil Management, Springer Verlag 309-317


  • Kniggendorf, A. K., Nogueira, R., Roth, B. (2021): Signal-to-noise sensitivity of distance measures in hierarchical cluster analysis for raman spectral imagingIn: 2021 European Conferences on Biomedical Optics, ECBO 2021Optics, InfoBase Conference Papers. Article number ETu1B.4. Weitere Informationen
    DOI: DOI: 10.1117/12.2615730
  • Kniggendorf, A. K., Nogueira, R., Roth, B. (2021): Oxygen stress response of nitrifying bacteria monitored with Raman spectroscopy in vivoCLEO: Applications and Technology, CLEO:A and T 2021 - Part of Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2021 OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 2021), paper AM4P.4
    DOI: 10.1364/CLEO_AT.2021.AM4P.4
  • Kniggendorf, A. K., Nogueira, R., Roth, B. (2021): Assessing culture vitality with raman spectral imagingOptics InfoBase Conference Papers2021 Article number ETu2A.29. Weitere Informationen
    DOI: DOI:10.1117/12.2615817
  • Mondal, M. M., Speier, C. J., Weichgrebe, D. (2018): Development of exergy based economic evaluation tool for bio-energy conversion systems: An example application on biogas plant with co-generation system.EBA Conference of the European Biogas Association, Antwerpen. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Stopp, P., Speier, C., Martsch, M., Weichgrebe, D. (2018): New digestate treatment concept SEQUESTA- Sequencing Sludge To Ammonia.International Conference. Biogas Science 2018, Sep. 17th -19th 2018, Torino, Italy
  • Weichgrebe, D., Mondal, M. M., Speier, C. J. (2018): Exergy Based Economic and Environmental for the improvement potential of biogasproduction from organic waste and surplus biomass.International Conference. Biogas Science, 17-19 Sep 2018, Torino, Italy
  • Speier, C. J., Velusamy, M., Ravi, R., Srinivasan, S. V., Weichgrebe, D. (2017): Potentials of vegetable market and slaughterhouse waste for sustainable energy supply through co-digestion in Chennai, India.15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Beijing. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Zaborowska, E., Kowal, P., Majtacz, J., Vogel, B., Beier, M., Makinia, J. (2017): Nitrous oxide (N2O) production and emission in high-loaded vs. low-loaded nitrogen removal systems – Polish-German experiences.IWA Conference on Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery, Chongqing. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Beier, M., Schneider, Y., Vogel, B., Nogueira, R. (2016): Factors influencing N2O reduction by denitrification as a means to minimize greenhouse gas emissions, IWA Specialist Conference Microbial Ecology and Water Engineering 2016, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R. (2016): Viren und Legionellen in biologischen Abwasserbehandlungssystemen.Darmstädter Seminar Abwassertechnik 22, Darmstadt
  • Schneider, Y., Beier, M., Lorek, C. (2016): Potential und Grenzen der Phosphorrückgewinnung für Kläranlagen mit biologischer Phosphorelimination in Niedersachsen.Wasserwirtschaftliches Kolloquium des ISAH, Hannover
  • Beier, M. (2014): Verfahren zur Deammonifikation, Ges. z. Förderung d. Siedlungswasserwirtschaft an der RWTH Aachen e.V..47. Essener Tagung für Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft - Ist unsere Wasserwirtschaft zukunftsfähig? J. Pinnekamp, Siedlungswasserwirtschaft, Aachen
  • Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R., Schneider, K. (2014): Legionellenepidemie in Warstein – Auswirkungen für die Abwassereinleiter? Teil 2: Erkenntnisse und Maßnahmen.32. Bochumer Workshop Siedlungswasserwirtschaft - Mikroschadstoffe und Krankheitserreger aus Abwasser entfernen
  • Schneider, K., Nogueira, R., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2014): Bilanzierung der Virenelimination in kommunalen Kläranlagen.ÖWAV-Seminar Abwasserreinigung – Werte erhalten, Effizienz steigern und Ressourcen schonen in Wien
  • Schneider, K., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R. (2014): The fate of viruses in an activated sludge system.YWP Conference, Essen. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Beier, M., Grömping, M. (2013): Reduzierung der Stickstoffrückbelastung aus der Entwässerung durch separate Schlammwasserbehandlung.8. DWA Klärschlammtage, Fulda. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Beier, M., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2013): Berücksichtigung der Treibhausgasemissionen bei der vergleichenden Gegenüberstellung verschiedener Abwasserreinigungsverfahren am Beispiel der Stickstoffelimination im Teilstrom.DWA Landesverbands-Tagung Nord, Hildesheim. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Beier, M., Trautmann, N., da Silva, C. C., Schneider, Y., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2013): Design of nitritation processes for low COD/N ammonium-rich wastewater with the help of a two-step nitrification model.Nutrient removal and recovery. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Nogueira, R., Ulbricht, K., Haun, E., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2013): Virenelimination in Kläranlagen - Bilanzierung und Modellentwicklung.46. Essener Tagung, Aachen. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Beier, M., Schneider, Y. (2013): MiNzE – A technology for minimization of nitrous oxide emissions from biological treatment of ammonium-rich wastewater.10th IWA Leading Edge Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies, Bordeaux. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Beier, M., Schneider, Y., Vogel, B. (2013): A technology for minimization of nitrous oxide emissions from biological treatment of ammonium-rich wastewater (MiNzE process).WEF/IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery, Vancouver. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Stopp, P., Weichgrebe, D., Voss, E., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2013): Effects on the SCFA pattern by different approaches for Hydrolysis and Acidification of CCM.BiogasWorld 2013, Berlin. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Tenno, T., Saluste, A., Schneider, Y., Beier, M., Chingombe, P., Keay, A. J. M., Kvindesland, S., Wett, B., Fletcher, D. J. (2013): Nitrogen removal from recirculation water and waste sludge in a marine RAS via partial denitrification and anammox.Nordic RAS, Aalborg
    ISSN: 1395-8216
  • Ulbricht, K., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Wolter, S. (2011): Virus elimination in the municipal wastewater treatment plant of Herrenhausen in Hannover.VAAM Jahrestagung 2011, Karlsruh. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Moura, I., Machado, A. V., Nogueira, R., Bounor-Legare, V. (2010): Synthesis of biodegradable copolymers based on ethylene vinyl acetate and polylactic acid.Materials Science Forum (636-637). Trans Tech Publ, 819-824
    DOI: 10.4028/
    ISBN: 0878492887
  • Oliveira, M., Machado, A. V., Nogueira, R. (2010): Development of permeable reactive barrier for phosphorus removal.Materials Science Forum (636-637), 1365-1370
    DOI: 10.4028/
    ISBN: 0878492887
  • Moura, I., Machado, A. V., Duarte, F. M., Botelho, G., Nogueira, R. (2008): Preparation of Biodegradable Materials by Reactive Extrusion.Materials Science Forum, Trans Tech Publ, 520-524
    ISBN: 0878493735
  • Urban, I., Weichgrebe, D. (2005): Erneuerbare Energien – Ein Betrag zum Klimaschutz.Unimagazin 01/02-2005, Leibniz Universität Hannover
  • Li, X., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Kunst, S., Weichgrebe, D., Cornelius, A. (2004): Start up of Deammonification process in one Single SBR System.International Conference on Wastewater Treatment for Nutrient Removal & Reuse, Asian In-stitute of Technology
  • Vedenjapin, A. A., Baturova, M. D., Rakishev, A. K., Serykh, A. I., Skundin, A. M., Kulova, T. L., Weichgrebe, D. (2004): Solid Products of Salicylic Acid Electro-oxidation.55th Annual Meeting of International Society of Electrochemistry ISE, Thessalonica, Greece, Sept. 19-24
  • Vedenjapin, A. A., Baturova, M. D., Weichgrebe, D., Danilova, E., Skundin, A. (2004): The Electrochemical Oxidative Degradation of Aspirin and its Metabolites.3rd Baltic Electrochemical Conference, Gdansk-Sobolaeszewa, Poland, April 23-26
  • Duine, A., Kunst, S. (2001): Control of bulking sludge caused by type 021 N and type 0961 in an industrial wastewater treatment plant with an aerobic selector.3rd IWA International Specialised Conference on Microorganisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Processes, Rome 13-15 June. Wat Sci Tech 46(1-2), 29-33 (2002)
  • Helmer, C., Schmid, M., Filipov, E., Gaul, T., Hippen, A., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Seyfried, C. F., Wagner, M., Kunst, S. (2001): Deammonification in biofilm systems: population structure and function.In: 3rd International Specialised Conference on „Microorganisms in Activated Sludge and Biofilm Processes“, Rom, 13.-15. Juni Wat Sci Tech 46 (1-2), 223-231
  • Gaul, T., Helmer, C., Fillipov, E., Kunst, S. (2000): Stoffwechselwege autotropher Bakterien zur Stickstoffelimination - Grundlagen der Deammonifikation.7. Hannoversche Industrieabwassertagung. Heft 117, Veröffentlichungen des Institutes für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik der Uni Hannover
  • Helmer, C., Hippen, A., Kunst, S., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Seyfried, C. F. (2000): Six Years of Pratical Experiences with Aerobic/Anoxic Deammonification.1st World Water Congress of the International Water Association (IWA). Paris 3.-7. Juli. Book 3, 488-495
  • Kunst, S., Kayser, K. (2000): Endokrin Wirkende Substanzen, die über die Abwasserbehandlung in den Klärschlamm gelangen.ATV-DVWK-Bundestagung 2000 in Karlsruhe vom 25. - 27. September 2000. ATV-DVWK Schriftenreihe 20, 315-319
  • Hippen, A., Beier, M., Seyfried, C. F., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., PURAC (1998): Comparison of different biological treatment methods for nitrogen rich wastewaters.Innovation 2000 - Treatment Innovation for the next century. 07.-10.07.1998, Cambridge, England


  • Nogueira, R., Tamang, P., Banerjee, R., Arndt, C. (2019): Waste to resource: Biopolymer production from industrial wastewater.BoioMAT. 19th International Symposium on Mathematical and Computational Biology. Szeged.
  • Schneider, K., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R. (2014): The fate of viruses in an activated sludge system.Poster auf der IWA-Konferenz - Activated Sludge...100 Years and Counting. Essen


  • Tamang, P. (2022): Polyhydroxyalkanoates production from wastewater using microbial mixed culturesHeft 174. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover.
    ISBN: 978-3-948432-04-1
  • Vogel, B. (2018): Denitrifikation als Senke von N2O-Emissionen bei der Teilstrombehandlung Modellerweiterung und -anwendung.Heft 162. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
    ISBN: 978-3-921421-92-5
  • Scheider, K. (2017): Mechanismen zur Virenelimination in kommunalen Kläranlagen.Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik der Leibniz Universität Hannover, Heft 164
    ISBN: 978-3-921421-94-9
  • Lorey, C. (2015): Elimination von Spurenstoffen bei der Abwasserreinigung.Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover. Heft 153, 138-161
    ISBN: 978-3-921421-83-3
  • Bauer, R. (2007): Elimination von Viren durch Sand/Bodenpassagen an halbtechnischen Versuchsanlagen für die Anwendung der Uferfiltration zur Trinkwasseraufbereitung.Heft 140. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Beier, M. (2003): Kennzahlenbildung und Gebührenermittlung in der Siedlungswasserwirtschaft auf Basis einer systematischen Kostengliederung.Heft 123. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Duine, A. (2002): Untersuchungen zur Stickstoffelimination von hochbelasteten toxischen Abwässern.Heft 118. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Brockmann, M. (1999): Beitrag zur membranunterstützten biologischen Abwasserreinigung.Heft 98, Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Filipov, E. (1999): Anwendungsmöglichkeiten enzymatischer Testverfahren in der weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung.Heft 105, Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • BIO-P Hannover '95 (1995): Internationale Konferenz zur vermehrten biologischen Phosphorelimination.Heft 92
  • Hulsbeek, J. (1995): Bestimmung von Parametern zur Beschreibung der Prozesse bei der biologischen Stickstoff- und Phosphor-Entfernung in Abwasserreinigungsanlagen.Heft 90
  • Helmer, C. (1994): Einfluß von Temperatur- und Stoßbelastungen auf die Mikroflora der belebten Schlämme in Bio-P- AnlagenHeft 89
  • Kunst, S. (1982): Untersuchungen zum anaeroben Abbau polymerer Kohlenhydrate zur Optimierung der Versäuerungsstufe bei anaeroben AbwasserreinigungsanlagenHeft 54
  • Gallent, W. (1976): Vergleich der Verschmutzung von Schlammwässern aus diversen Klärschlamm-Entwässerungsmaschinen und Ermittlung von deren Auswirkungen auf die biologische Stufe einer KläranlageHeft 40
  • Guo, H.-M. (1973): Untersuchungen über den Einfluß verschiedener Betriebszustände des Belebungsverfahrens auf die SchlammaktivitätHeft 38


  • Mondal, M. M., Speier, C. J., Weichgrebe, D. (2018): Development of exergy based economic evaluation tool for bio-energy conversion systems: An example application on biogas plant with co-generation system.EBA Conference of the European Biogas Association, Antwerpen. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Stopp, P., Speier, C. J., Weichgrebe, D. (2017): SEQUESTA - Innovatives Gärrest-Eindampfungsverfahren zur Nährstoffrückgewinnung und Nachbehandlung.Wasserwirtschaftliches Kolloquium Abfallwirtschaft/Bioenergie, Schwäbisch Hall
  • Tran, T. N., Weichgrebe, D., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2017): Advanced material flow analysis to assess environmental and resource management of agro-food processing craft villages in Red River Delta, Vietnam.World Resources Forum 2017, Geneva. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Weichgrebe, D., Ay, S., Rosenwinkel, K.-H. (2017): Universal calculation approach for the prediction of the specific biogas and methane yield based on substrate composition data.15th IWA World Conference on Anaerobic Digestion, Beijing. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Voss, E., Schmitz, B., Beier, M., Lorek, C. (2015): P-Rückgewinnung auf der Kläranlage Hildesheim.9. KlärschlammTage mit begleitender Fachausstellung, Potsdam
  • Schneider, K. (2014): Das Verhalten von Viren in einem kommunalen Belebtschlammsystem.Wasserwirtschaftliches Kolloquium Hygiene, Hannover
  • Schneider, K., Rosenwinkel, K.-H., Nogueira, R. (2014): The fate of viruses in an activated sludge system.YWP-Konferenz im Rahmen der IWA-Konferenz "Activated Sludge...100 Years and Counting!", Essen. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover
  • Ulbricht, K. (2011): Humanpathogene Viren im Wasserkreislauf von Deutschland – Sind wir gefährdet?Wasserwirtschaftliches Kolloquium Hygiene 2011 in Hannover. Institut für Siedlungswasserwirtschaft und Abfalltechnik, Hannover